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Administering Medication Policy
Admissions and Fees Policy
Aggressive behaviour Policy
Children’s Behaviour Policy
Children’s Health
Complaints Policy
Data Protection Policy
Equalities Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Suspensions and Exclusions Policy
Uncollected Children Policy
Administering Medication Policy
If a child attending a Passmaster activity requires medication, their parent or carer must complete a Permission to Administer Medicine form in advance. Staff at the Club will not administer any medication without prior written consent.
Ideally, children should take their medication before arriving at the Club. If this is not possible, children will be encouraged to take personal responsibility for their medication, if appropriate. If children carry their own medication (eg asthma inhalers), the Club staff will offer to keep the medication safe until it is required. Inhalers must be labelled with the child’s name.
Prescription medication
Passmaster staff will only administer medication prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist. If a medicine contains aspirin, we can only administer it if a doctor has prescribed it. All prescription medications must have the prescription sticker attached along with the prescription.
Non-prescription medication
If a child requires a non-prescription medication to be administered, we will consider this on a case-by-case basis after careful discussion with the parent or carer. We reserve the right to refuse to administer non-prescription medication. Non-prescription medicine does not require a GP prescription before Out of School Club can administer.
Procedure for administering medication
A designated staff member will be responsible for administering medication or for witnessing self-administration by the child. The designated person will record receipt of the medication on a Medication Log, will check that the medication is properly labelled, and will ensure that it is stored securely during the session.
Before any medication is given, the designated person will:
· Check that the Club has received written consent
· Take steps to check when the last dosage was given
· Ask another member of staff to witness that the correct dosage is given.
When the medication has been administered, the designated person must:
· Record all relevant details on the Record of Medication Given form
· Ask the child’s parent or carer to sign the form to acknowledge that the medication has been given.
When the medication is returned to the child’s parent or carer, the designated person will record this on the Medication Log.
If a child refuses to take their medication, staff will not force them to do so. The manager and the child’s parent or carer will be notified, and the incident recorded on the Record of Medication Given.
Specialist training
Certain medications require specialist training before use, eg Epi Pens. If a child requires such medication the manager will arrange appropriate training as soon as possible. It may be necessary to absent the child until such training has been undertaken. Where specialist training is required, only appropriately trained staff may administer the medication.
Changes to medication
A child’s parent or carer must complete a new Permission to Administer Medication form if there are any changes to a child’s medication (including change of dosage or frequency) and the Medication Log must be updated
Long term conditions
If a child suffers from a long term medical condition the Club will ask the child's parents to provide a medical care plan from their doctor, to clarify exactly what the symptoms and treatment are so that the Club has a clear statement of the child's medical requirements.
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Admissions and Fees Policy
Passmaster is registered with Ofsted; our registration number is 2729964 We provide care for children between the ages of 5 and 12 who attend a Primary School Setting.
Places are offered on a first-come first-served basis. When all places have been filled, a waiting list will be established, with the following order of priority:
1. Siblings of children already attending the club
2. Those requiring the greatest number of sessions/hours per week
3. Children living in the area attending other schools
4. Sibling of children who live in the area attending other schools
When an enquiry regarding places is made, parents or carers will be given all the relevant information, including:
· Information regarding our website and booking platform where they can find
Details of the Admissions and Fees policy
Registration form, medical form, parent contract, booking form, privacy notice, photo permission form
Behaviour Management policy
Complaints policy
Club Handbook
The child can attend as soon as the completed forms are received.
If no places are available, the parent will be informed and the child’s name added to the waiting list. As soon as suitable places become available parents will be informed.
Booking procedure
Parents must complete the necessary paperwork, ie contract, registration, medical, privacy notice, booking and photo permission forms, before their children can attend the club.
Fee structure
Fees are charged at £20 per day
The Club recognises that childcare can be costly, so we encourage eligible parents or carers to claim the childcare element of Universal Credit. We are also registered to the Tax-Free Childcare scheme.
· Fees are payable in advance using our online platform
· Fees can be paid by our online platform. We will accept cheque, electronic transfer, childcare vouchers, cash or direct debit
· Fees are charged for booked sessions whether the child attends or not, unless cancelled online before 8 am
· We offer a 10% discount for siblings
Payment of fees
Fees are reviewed annually. The Club will consider requests for variation to payment terms on an individual basis. Anyone making these requests should contact the business manager at the earliest opportunity. Any queries regarding fees should be directed to the duty manager.
If fees are not paid, the Club will write to the parent or carer, requesting payment. If the parents or carers are having difficulty making the payment on time we recommend that they arrange a meeting with the manager as soon as possible.
Where there is no explanation for repeated late payment, the manager will contact the parents or carers to discuss payment options. The manager may issue a formal warning to the parent or carer informing them that continued late payment will result in their child’s place at the Club being withdrawn.
If the fees remain unpaid after all the above options have been explored, the Club may have to cancel the child’s place.
Refunds and Cancellation
For requests for refunds and cancellations please contact our business manager
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Aggressive Behaviour Policy
Passmaster does not tolerate from any person, whether a parent, carer or visitor: bullying; aggressive, confrontational or behaviour intended to result in conflict. Our Club is a place of safety and security for the children who attend and for the staff.
Unacceptable behaviour
Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following:
· Shouting at members of staff, whether in person or over the telephone
· Threatening, abusive or intimidating online communications, including email and social media communication
· Physically intimidating a member of staff, eg standing too close or blocking their exit
· Using aggressive or abusive hand gestures, eg shaking a fist towards another person
· Any other threatening behaviour, both physical and verbal
· Swearing
· Physical violence: pushing, hitting, slapping, punching or kicking
· Spitting
· Racist or sexist or otherwise abusive comments.
At Passmaster we do not tolerate such behaviour whether it is directed at the staff or at any of the children in our care.
If a parent, carer or member of the public behaves in an unacceptable way towards a member of staff or a child attending the Club, we will take the following steps:
1. In order to ensure the safety of the children and to limit possible distress, we will remove them from the vicinity of the incident.
2. The duty manager or senior staff member will use the room to seek to resolve the situation through calm discussion seek to resolve the situation through calm discussion using the room.
3. If the individual wishes to make a complaint we will encourage them to follow the Club’s Complaints procedure, or to complain directly to Ofsted if they so choose.
4. If the individual continues to behave in an aggressive and intimidating manner, we will insist that they calm down or leave the premises immediately.
5. If the individual refuses to calm down or leave the premises, the manager will contact the police without delay.
When the immediate incident has been resolved, the manager and staff will reflect on the incident, and decide whether it is appropriate to ban the individual from the premises for a period of time. The decision will take into account both the seriousness of the incident and whether the individual has behaved aggressively before.
When the incident has not been conducted face to face, such as in email correspondence, the manager or staff member will seek to resolve the matter through correspondence and invite the individual to discuss in person, if appropriate and safe to do so. The manager will then continue with steps 3 and 4 onwards of the process outlined above
If we decide that a ban is appropriate, we will write to the individual concerned to inform them of the reasons for the ban and its duration.
Related policies
See also: Equalities policy, Complaints policy, Safeguarding policy.
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Children’s Behaviour Policy
Passmaster recognises our responsibility to support, understand and managing children’s behaviour in an appropriate way. Passmaster uses effective behaviour management strategies to promote the welfare, enjoyment and safety of children attending the Club. Working in partnership with parents, we aim to support children’s behaviour using clear, consistent and positive strategies, and with adults modelling positive behaviour. We recognise that supporting behaviour isn’t a universal approach and that we must develop strategies of support appropriate to each child, whilst balancing and maintaining the safety and enjoyment of all children who attend.
Whilst at Passmaster we will support children to:
· Use socially acceptable behaviour
· Understand and comply with the Club rules, which are created and agreed by the children themselves
· Respect one another, accepting differences of race, gender, ability, age and religion
· Develop their independence through self-discipline
· Choose and participate in a variety of activities
· Ask for help if needed
· Enjoy their time at the Club.
Encouraging positive behaviour
At Passmaster positive behaviour is encouraged by:
· Staff acting as positive role models
· Praising appropriate behaviour
· Informing parents about individual achievements
· Offering a variety of play opportunities to meet the needs of children attending the Club.
It is inevitable that as children develop and learn, there are times when they need support and guidance to understand that their behaviour is not acceptable. Staff at the Club will try to determine the cause or triggers of the inappropriate behaviour and work to support the child and make any necessary changes where possible to prevent the situation from recurring.
Dealing with inappropriate behaviour
· Unacceptable behaviour will be addressed in a calm, clear and positive manner.
· In the first instance, staff will remind the child that their behaviour is not acceptable
· Staff will engage in a private discussion with the child about why the behaviour displayed is deemed inappropriate.
· Staff will give the child an opportunity to explain their behaviour, to help prevent a recurrence.
· Staff will encourage and facilitate mediation between children to try to resolve conflicts through discussion and negotiation.
· If the inappropriate behaviour appears to be as a result of boredom, staff will consult with the child to find activities that more fully engage them and reflect on the environment, set up and suitability of play opportunities
· Staff will consult with parents to formulate clear strategies for dealing with persistent inappropriate behaviour.
· Staff will seek support wherever necessary from the child’s class teacher or other professional known to the family
· No staff member will ever threaten any punishment that could adversely affect a child’s well-being (eg withdrawal of food or drink).
· Staff will always promote the dignity of, and respect for, the child in handling behaviour incidences
If after consultation with parents and the implementation of behaviour management strategies, a child continues to display inappropriate behaviour that poses a risk to themselves, staff or other children or property, the Club may decide to exclude the child in accordance with our Suspensions and Exclusions policy. The reasons and processes involved will be clearly explained to the child wherever appropriate and in line with the parent’s wishes
Physical intervention
Physical intervention will only be used as a last resort, when staff believe that action is necessary to prevent injury to the child or others, or to prevent significant damage to equipment or property. If a member of staff has to physically restrain a child, the manager will be notified, and an Incident record will be completed. The incident will be discussed with the parent or carer on the same day, or as soon as possible.
If staff are not confident about their ability to contain a situation, they should call the manager or, in extreme cases, the police.
All serious incidents will be recorded on an Incident record and kept in the child’s file. This may be used to build a pattern of behaviour, which may indicate an underlying cause. If a pattern of incidents indicates possible abuse, we will implement child protection procedures in accordance with our Safeguarding policy.
Corporal punishment
Corporal punishment or the threat of corporal punishment will never be used at the Club.
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that no child who attends our Club receives corporal punishment from any person who cares for or is in regular contact with the child, or from any other person on our premises.
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Children’s Health
First Aid, Illnesses, Infection Control & Accidents
At Passmaster we will promote the good health, including oral health of the children that we look after. We will deal promptly and effectively with any illnesses, accidents or injuries that occur while children are in our care. We take all practical steps to keep staff and children safe by taking appropriate action if children are ill or infectious. This keeps children and staff safe from communicable diseases.
All parents or carers must complete the Medical Form when their child joins the Club, requesting permission for emergency medical treatment for their child in the event of a serious accident or illness.
We will record any accidents or illnesses, together with any treatment given, on an Incident Record or Accident Record sheet as appropriate, which the parent or carer will be asked to sign when they collect the child.
Passmaster cannot accept children who are ill or infectious. If any children are ill when they first arrive at the Club we will immediately notify their parents or carers to come and collect them. Any children who have been ill or infectious should not return to the Club until they have fully recovered, or until after the minimum exclusion period has expired (see table at the end of this policy).
First aid
The Club’s Paediatric First Aid trained staff’s names are displayed within the club at all times. These members of staff have a current paediatric first aid certificate and have attended a 12 hour paediatric first aid course, which complies with the requirements of Annex A of the EYFS. This training will be renewed every three years.
To ensure that there is a qualified paediatric first aider present and available at all times we will take into account the number of children and layout of the premises to ensure that first aiders are able to respond quickly to any incident. Other staff who do not hold Paediatric First Aid 12 hour training will be available to ensure timely and effective first aid response to any incident requiring attention.
The location of the first aid box and a list of qualified first aiders are clearly displayed at the Club. The designated First Aider and manager regularly check the contents of the first aid box to ensure that they are up to date, appropriate for children and comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
The manager will ensure that a first aid kit is taken on all outings and that at least one member of staff on the outing holds a current paediatric first aid certificate.
Procedure for a minor injury or illness
The first aider at the session will decide upon the appropriate action to take if a child becomes ill or suffers a minor injury.
· If a child becomes ill during a session, the parent or carer will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible. The child will be kept comfortable and will be closely supervised while awaiting collection.
· If a child complains of illness which does not impair their overall wellbeing, the child will be monitored for the rest of the session and the parent or carer will be notified when the child is collected.
· If a child suffers a minor injury, first aid will be administered and the child will be monitored for the remainder of the session. If necessary, the child’s parent will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible.
Procedure for a major injury or serious illness
In the event of a child becoming seriously ill or suffering a major injury, the first aider at the session will decide whether the child needs to go straight to hospital or whether it is safe to wait for their parent or carer to arrive.
· If the child needs to go straight to hospital, we will call an ambulance and a member of staff will go to the hospital with the child. The staff member will take the child’s Medical Form with them and will consent to any necessary treatment (as approved by the parents on the Medical Form).
· We will contact the child’s parents or carers with all urgency, and if they are unavailable we will call the other emergency contacts that we have on file for the child.
· After a major incident the manager and staff will review the events and consider whether any changes need to be made to the Club’s policies or procedures.
· We will notify Ofsted and child protection agencies in the event of any serious accident, injury, illness or death of a child in our care as soon as reasonably possible and within 14 days at the latest.
· We will notify HSE under RIDDOR in the case of a death or major injury on the premises (eg broken limb, amputation, dislocation, etc – see the HSE website for a full list of reportable injuries).
Infection Control
Hand hygiene is one of the most important ways of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that children are especially susceptible to. We will ensure access to soap, warm water and paper towels are available at all times. In the case where this is not possible, alcohol hand gel can be used on hands that are not visibly dirty.
All children will be reminded to clean their hands after using the toilet, before eating and handling food and at other times necessary (such as messy activities or if animals are present).
Our setting is cleaned regularly and to a set schedule. We will take advice of the UKHSA health protection team should any outbreak of infection at our setting be noted.
Passmaster follows the advice set out in the UK Government guidance ‘Health Protection in Children and Young People settings’ on the prevention of infection, including Covid-19.
Communicable diseases and conditions
If a case of head lice is found at the Club, the child’s parents or carers will be discreetly informed when they collect the child. Other parents will be warned to check their own children for head lice, but care will be taken not to identify the child affected.
If an infectious or communicable disease is detected on the Club’s premises, we will inform parents and carers as soon as possible.
If there is an incident of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after at the Club the Manager will inform Ofsted as soon as possible and within 14 days at the latest.
If there is an outbreak of a notifiable disease at the Club, we will inform the local health protection unit, HSE under RIDDOR (if appropriate), and Ofsted.
Useful contacts
Health Protection Unit: 0344 225 3560 (option 2)
Ofsted: 0300 123 1231
RIDDOR Incident Contact Unit: 0845 300 99 23
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Complaints Policy
At Passmaster we aim to work in partnership with parents to deliver a high quality childcare service for everyone. If for any reason we fall short of this goal, we would like to be informed in order to amend our practices for the future. Our complaints policy is displayed on the premises at all times. Records of all complaints are kept for at least three years.
The manager is usually responsible for dealing with complaints. If the complaint is about the manager, the registered person or other senior member of staff will investigate the matter. Any complaints received about staff members will be recorded on an Incident log and a Complaints log will be completed. All complaints will be dealt with in the following manner:
Stage one
Complaints about aspects of Club activity:
The manager will discuss the matter informally with the parent or carer concerned and aim to reach a satisfactory resolution.
Complaints about an individual staff member:
If appropriate the parent will be encouraged to discuss the matter with staff concerned.
If the parent feels that this is not appropriate, the matter will be discussed with the manager, who will then discuss the complaint with the staff member and try to reach a satisfactory resolution.
Stage two
If it is impossible to reach a satisfactory resolution to the complaint through informal discussion, the parent or carer should put their complaint in writing to the manager. The manager will:
Acknowledge receipt of the letter within 7 days.
Investigate the matter and including how it relates to our fulfilment of our statutory duties under EYFS and notify the complainant of the outcome within 28 days of receipt of the written complaint.
Send a full response in writing, to all relevant parties, including details of any recommended changes to be made to the Club’s practices or policies as a result of the complaint, if applicable.
Meet relevant parties to discuss the Club’s response to the complaint, either together or on an individual basis.
If child protection or wider safeguarding issues are raised, the manager will refer the situation to the Club’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, who will then contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO The Local Authority Designated Officer in Shropshire can be contacted by calling the First Point of Contact (FPOC) on 03456 789021) and follow the procedures of the Safeguarding Children Policy. If a criminal act may have been committed, the manager will contact the police.
Making a complaint to Ofsted
Any parent or carer can submit a complaint to Ofsted about Passmaster at any time if they believe that we are not meeting the requirements of our registration. Ofsted will consider and investigate all complaints. Ofsted’s email address is:
Telephone: 0300 123 1231 (general enquiries)
0300 123 4666 (complaints)
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Data Protection Policy
At Passmaster we respect the privacy of the children attending the Club and the privacy of their parents or carers, as well as the privacy of our staff. Our aim is to ensure that all those using and working at Passmaster can do so with confidence that their personal data is being kept secure.
Our lead person for data protection is Tina Dean. The lead person ensures that the Club meets the requirements of the GDPR, liaises with statutory bodies when necessary, and responds to any subject access requests.
Within the Club we respect confidentiality in the following ways:
· We will only ever share information with a parent about their own child.
· Information given by parents to Club staff about their child will not be passed on to third parties without permission unless there is a safeguarding issue (as covered in our Safeguarding Policy).
· Concerns or evidence relating to a child’s safety, will be kept in a confidential file and will not be shared within the Club, except with the designated Child Protection Officer and the manager.
· Staff only discuss individual children for purposes of planning and group management.
· Staff are made aware of the importance of confidentiality during their induction process.
· Issues relating to the employment of staff, whether paid or voluntary, will remain confidential to those making personnel decisions.
· All personal data is stored securely in a password protected computer.
· Students on work placements and volunteers are informed of our Data Protection policy and are required to respect it.
Information that we keep
The items of personal data that we keep about individuals are documented on our personal data matrix. The personal data matrix is reviewed annually to ensure that any new data types are included.
Children and parents: We hold only the information necessary to provide a childcare service for each child. This includes child registration information, medical information, parent contact information, attendance records, incident and accident records and so forth. Our lawful basis for processing this data is fulfilment of our contract with the child’s parents. Our legal condition for processing any health-related information about a child, is so that we can provide appropriate care to the child. Once a child leaves our care we retain only the data required by statutory legislation, insurance requirements and industry best practice, and for the prescribed periods of time. Electronic data that is no longer required is deleted.
Staff: We keep information about employees in order to meet HMRC requirements, and to comply with all other areas of employment legislation. Our lawful basis for processing this data is to meet our legal obligations. Our legal condition for processing data relating to an employee’s health is to meet the obligations of employment law. We retain the data after a member of staff has left our employment for the periods required by statutory legislation and industry best practice, then it is deleted or destroyed as necessary.
Sharing information with third parties
We will only share child information with outside agencies on a need-to-know basis and with consent from parents, except in cases relating to safeguarding children, criminal activity, or if required by legally authorised bodies (eg Police, HMRC, etc). If we decide to share information without parental consent, we will record this in the child’s file, clearly stating our reasons.
We will only share relevant information that is accurate and up to date. Our primary commitment is to the safety and well-being of the children in our care.
Where we share relevant information where there are safeguarding concerns, we will do so in line with Government guidance ‘Information Sharing Advice for Safeguarding Practitioners’ (
Subject access requests
· Parents/carers can ask to see the information and records relating to their child, and/or any information that we keep about themselves.
· Staff and volunteers can ask to see any information that we keep about them.
· We will make the requested information available as soon as practicable, and will respond to the request within one month at the latest.
· If our information is found to be incorrect or out of date, we will update it promptly.
· Parents /carers can ask us to delete data, but this may mean that we can no longer provide care to the child as we have a legal obligation to keep certain data. In addition, even after a child has left our care we have to keep some data for specific periods so won’t be able to delete all data immediately.
· Staff and volunteers can ask us to delete their data, but this may mean that we can no longer employ them as we have a legal obligation to keep certain data. In addition, even after a staff member has left our employment we have to keep some data for specific periods so won’t be able to delete all data immediately.
· If any individual about whom we hold data has a complaint about how we have kept their information secure, or how we have responded to a subject access request, they may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
We comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), regarding obtaining, storing and using personal data.
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Equalities Policy
At Passmaster we will take all reasonable measures to ensure that we provide a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for everyone in our community including children with additional needs.
To achieve the Club’s objective of creating an environment free from discrimination and welcoming to all, the Club will:
· Respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping.
· Not discriminate against children on the grounds of disability, sexual orientation, class, family status, HIV/Aids status or other protected characteristic.
· Help all children to celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity by providing a wide range of appropriate resources and activities.
· Strive to ensure that children feel good about themselves and others, by celebrating the differences which make us all unique individuals.
· Ensure that its services are available to all parents/carers and children in the local community.
· Ensure that the Club’s recruitment policies and procedures are open, fair and non-discriminatory.
· Work to fulfil all the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
Challenging inappropriate attitudes and practices
We will challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices by engaging children and adults in discussion, by displaying positive images of race and disability, and through our staff modelling anti-discriminatory behaviour at all times.
The Club will not tolerate any form of racial or discriminatory harassment on any basis. The Club will challenge racist and discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behaviour from the children at the Club, from staff and from any other adults on Club premises (eg parents/carers collecting children).
Promoting equal opportunities
The Business Manager, Tina Dean is responsible for ensuring that:
Staff receive relevant and appropriate training
The Equalities policy is consistent with current legislation and guidance
· Appropriate action is taken wherever discriminatory behaviour, language or attitudes occur.
Children with additional needs
Our Club recognises that some children have additional needs or disabilities that require particular support and assistance. We will assess the individual needs of each child in consultation with their parents prior to their attending the Club, and will make reasonable adjustments including additional adult support where possible and reasonable, to ensure that children can access our services and are made to feel welcome.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Passmaster business manager will:
· Manage the provision for children with additional needs or disabilities.
· Access and disseminate training in the care and support for those children who need it.
All members of staff will assist the the business manager in supporting for children with additional needs or disabilities in line with their support plan.
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Safeguarding Policy
Passmaster is committed to building a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children in our care are protected from abuse, harm and radicalisation.
The Club will respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child that may occur. The Club’s child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by Shropshire Council.
There is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) available at all times while the Club is in session. The DSL coordinates safeguarding and child protection issues, supports practitioners with safeguarding concerns and liaises with external agencies (eg Social Care and Ofsted).
The Club’s designated DSL is Tina Dean, business manager.
Child abuse and neglect
Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. An individual may abuse or neglect a child directly, or by failing to protect them from harm. Some forms of child abuse and neglect are listed below.
· Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child so as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve making the child feel that they are worthless, unloved, or inadequate. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
· Physical abuse can involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may be also caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes, ill health to a child.
· Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. This can involve physical contact, or non-contact activities such as showing children sexual activities or encouraging them to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
· Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and emotional needs. It can involve a failure to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter, to protect a child from physical and emotional harm, to ensure adequate supervision or to allow access to medical treatment.
Signs of child abuse and neglect
Signs of possible abuse and neglect may include:
· significant changes in a child's behaviour
· deterioration in a child’s general well-being
· unexplained bruising or marks
· comments made by a child which give cause for concern
· reasons to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting, eg in the child’s home, or that a girl may have been subjected to (or is at risk of) female genital mutilation (FGM), or that the child may have witnessed or be living with domestic abuse
· inappropriate behaviour displayed by a member of staff, or any other person. For example, inappropriate sexual comments, excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of their role, or inappropriate sharing of images.
If abuse is suspected or disclosed
When a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff, that member of staff will:
reassure the child that they were not to blame and were right to speak out
listen to the child but not question them
give reassurance that the staff member will take action
record the incident as soon as possible (see Logging an incident below).
If a member of staff witnesses or suspects abuse, they will record the matter straightaway using the Logging a concern form. If a third party expresses concern that a child is being abused, we will encourage them to contact Social Care directly. If they will not do so, we will explain that the Club is obliged to and the incident will be logged accordingly.
All staff recognise that children may not feel ready or know how to tell someone that they are being abused, exploited or neglected and/or they may not recognise their experiences as harmful. This could be due to their vulnerability, disability or language barriers. They may also feel embarrassed, humiliated or are being threatened. Our staff recognise this and where they have any concerns about a child they will raise these with the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) without unreasonable delay.
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
FGM is an illegal, extremely harmful practice and a form of child abuse and violence against women and girls. FGM is therefore dealt with as part of our existing safeguarding procedures. All of our staff receive training in how to recognise when girls are at risk of FGM or may have been subjected to it.
If FGM is suspected or disclosed
We will follow the same procedures as set out above for responding to child abuse and will make a report to Children’s Social Care directly.
Child-on-Child abuse
Children are vulnerable to abuse by their peers. Child-on-Child abuse is taken seriously by staff and will be subject to the same child protection procedures as other forms of abuse. Staff are aware of the potential uses of technology and the internet for bullying and abusive behaviour between young people.
Staff will not dismiss abusive behaviour as normal between young people. The presence of one or more of the following in relationships between children should always trigger concern about the possibility of peer-on-peer abuse:
· Sexual activity (in primary school-aged children) of any kind, including sexting
· One of the children is significantly more dominant than the other (eg much older)
· One of the children is significantly more vulnerable than the other (eg in terms of disability, confidence, physical strength)
· There has been some use of threats, bribes or coercion to ensure compliance or secrecy.
If child-on-child abuse is suspected or disclosed
We will follow the same procedures as set out above for responding to child abuse.
Extremism and radicalisation
All childcare settings have a legal duty to protect children from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into extremism. There are many reasons why a child might be vulnerable to radicalisation, eg:
· feeling alienated or alone
· seeking a sense of identity or individuality
· suffering from mental health issues such as depression
· desire for adventure or wanting to be part of a larger cause
· associating with others who hold extremist beliefs
Signs of radicalisation
Signs that a child might be at risk of radicalisation include:
· changes in behaviour, for example becoming withdrawn or aggressive
· claiming that terrorist attacks and violence are justified
· viewing violent extremist material online
· possessing or sharing violent extremist material
If a member of staff suspects that a child is at risk of becoming radicalised, they will record any relevant information or observations on a Logging a concern form, and refer the matter to the DSL.
Logging a concern
All information about the suspected abuse, disclosure or concern, will be recorded on the Logging a concern form as soon as possible after the event. The record should include:
· date of the disclosure, or the incident, or the observation causing concern
· date and time at which the record was made
· name and date of birth of the child involved
· a factual report of what happened. If recording a disclosure, you must use the child’s own words
· name, signature and job title of the person making the record.
The record will be given to the Club’s DSL who will decide on the appropriate course of action.
For concerns about child abuse, the DSL will contact Social Care immediately in line with the local reporting procedures. The DSL will follow up all referrals to Social Care in writing within 48 hours.
If a member of staff thinks that the incident has not been dealt with properly, they may contact Social Care directly.
For minor concerns regarding radicalisation, the DSL will contact Shropshire Council Partnership. For more serious concerns the DSL will contact the Police on the non-emergency number (101), or the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. For urgent concerns the DSL will contact the Police using 999.
Allegations against staff
If anyone makes an allegation of child abuse against a member of staff:
· The allegation will be recorded on an Incident record form. Any witnesses to the incident should sign and date the entry to confirm it.
· The allegation must be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) immediately and to Ofsted. The LADO will advise if other agencies (eg police) should be informed, and the Club will act upon their advice. Any telephone reports to the LADO will be followed up in writing within 48 hours.
· Following advice from the LADO, it may be necessary to suspend the member of staff pending full investigation of the allegation.
· If appropriate, the Club will make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Promoting awareness among staff
The Club promotes awareness of child abuse and the risk of radicalisation through its staff training. The Club ensures that:
· the designated DSL has relevant experience and receives appropriate training in safeguarding and the Prevent Duty, and is aware of the Channel Programme and how to access it
· designated person training is refreshed every three years
· safe recruitment practices are followed for all new staff
· all staff have a copy of this Safeguarding policy, understand its contents and are vigilant to signs of abuse, neglect or radicalisation
· all staff are aware of how to respond in a timely way at the earliest opportunity
· all staff are aware of their statutory duties with regard to the disclosure or discovery of child abuse, and concerns about radicalisation
· all staff receive basic safeguarding training, and safeguarding is a permanent agenda item at all staff meetings ensuring staff receive at least annual safeguarding updates.
· all staff receive basic training in the Prevent Duty
· staff are supported to understand how to keep themselves safe and how to blow the whistle should they be concerned about another adults behaviour or practise.
staff are familiar with the Safeguarding File which is kept on-site in the clubs kitchen
the Club’s procedures are in line with the guidance in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023)’ and staff are familiar with ‘What To Do If You’re Worried A Child Is Being Abused (2015)’.
Use of mobile phones and cameras
Photographs will only be taken of children with their parents’ permission. Only the club camera will be used to take photographs of children at the Club, except with the express permission of the manager. Neither staff nor children nor visitors may use their mobile phones or wearable technology such as smart watches to take photographs at the Club. For more details see our Mobile Phone, Tablet Computers and Wearable Technology Policy.
Contact numbers
Social Care: Out of hours Emergency Social Work Teams:
Shropshire 03456 789040
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) in Shropshire can be contacted by calling the First Point of Contact (FPOC) on 03456 789021
Adult and child social care: 0345 678 9044
National Prevent number: 0800 011 3764
Police: 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency)
Anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321
NSPCC: 0808 800 500
Ofsted: 0300 123 1231
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Suspensions and Exclusions Policy
Passmaster will deal with negative and inappropriate behaviour by using constructive behaviour management techniques. We will involve staff, parents and children to tackle disruptive and challenging behaviour collectively.
We acknowledge that some children will require additional support in order to achieve acceptable levels of behaviour. Where we identify a child with these needs, we will work closely with the parents or carers to deal with the inappropriate behaviour in accordance with our Behaviour Management policy.
Where a child persistently behaves inappropriately, we will implement the following procedure:
1. Give the child a formal warning; staff will explain why the behaviour is unacceptable along with the consequences of further incidents.
2. Staff will encourage the child to discuss their behaviour, to explain their actions and to identify strategies for avoiding such incidents in the future.
3. Details of formal warnings, suspensions and exclusions will be recorded on an Incident record and kept in the child’s records.
4. The formal warning will be discussed with the child’s parents, and all staff will be notified.
Staff will inform the manager if a child’s behaviour warrants suspension or exclusion.
We will only suspend or exclude a child from the Club as a last resort, when all other behaviour management strategies have failed or if we feel that children or staff are at risk.
Suspensions and exclusions will be fair, consistent and appropriate to the behaviour concerned, and will take account of the child’s age and maturity as well as any other factors relevant to the child’s situation. If appropriate, we will seek advice from other agencies; this may include accessing funding for additional support.
Temporary suspensions
Temporary suspensions will be applied in the following situations:
· Where formal warnings have failed to improve a child’s persistent, challenging and unacceptable behaviour.
· In the event of an extremely serious or dangerous incident we will suspend a child with immediate effect. We will contact the parents and ask that the child be collected immediately. Immediate suspensions require the manager’s agreement.
The Club may temporarily suspend the child for a period of up to 15 consecutive days. If the Club takes this step, we will discuss our concerns with the parents/carers in order to work together to promote a more desirable pattern of behaviour.
At the end of the suspension period the manager will meet with the parents/carers and the child, in order to agree any conditions relating to the child’s return to the Club.
Permanent exclusion
In exceptional circumstances, and only when all other attempts at behaviour management have failed, it may be necessary to permanently exclude a child from the setting.
If a child is excluded from the Club, the parents/carers will be given a verbal and written explanation of the issues and subsequent actions. They have the right to appeal to the business manager against the exclusion within 14 days of receiving written notification of the exclusion.
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
Uncollected Children Policy
Passmaster endeavours to ensure that all children are collected by a parent or carer at the end of each session. If a child is not collected, and the parent or carer has not notified us that they will be delayed, we will follow the procedure set out below:
Up to 15 minutes late
· When the parent or carer arrives they will be reminded that they must call the Club to notify us if they are delayed.
· The parent or carer will be informed that penalty fees will have to be charged (unless the delay was genuinely unavoidable).
Over 15 minutes late
· If a parent or carer is more than 15 minutes late in collecting their child, the manager will try to contact them using the contact details on file.
· If there is no response from the parent or carer, messages will be left requesting that they contact the Club immediately. The manager will then try to contact the emergency contacts listed on the child’s registration form.
· While waiting to be collected, the child will be supervised by a member of staff.
· When the parent or carer arrives they will be reminded that they must call the Club to notify us if they are delayed, and that penalty fees will have to be charged (except in exceptional circumstances).
Over 30 minutes late
· If the manager has been unable to contact the child’s parents or carers after 30 minutes, the manager will contact the local Social Care team for advice.
· The child will remain in the care of the Club’s staff, on the Club’s premises if possible, until collected by the parent or carer, or until placed in the care of the Social Care team.
· If it is not possible for the child to remain at the Club’s premises, a note will be left on the door of the Club informing the child’s parent or carer where the child has been taken (eg to the home of a staff member or into the care of a safeguarding agency) and leaving a contact number. A further message will be left on the parent or carer’s telephone explaining events.
Managing persistent lateness
The manager will record incidents of late collection and will discuss them with the child’s parents or carers. Parents and carers will be reminded that if they persistently collect their child late they may lose their place at the Club.
Useful contacts
Office hours FPOC 0345 678 9044
Out of hours FPOC 0345 678 9040
This policy was adopted by Passmaster
Date: 17.10.24
To be reviewed: 16.10.25
Signed: Tina Dean
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